Thursday, August 31, 2006


We do it this way!

So I'm taking my usual late night therapeutic walk a few days ago, and the streets are pretty empty as usual, when I see this lumpy old goth guy dressed all in black coming my way down Santa Monica Boulevard. I'm walking near the street, under the trees, and he's in the middle of the sidewalk, which means we're to each other's left. I continue my route, and I can see the guy getting nervous. He starts sort of twitching, and shaking his bottle-dyed Stevie Nicks locks, then he suddenly veers over to me, blocks my path for a moment, and says, "In America, we pass each other on the right, Man!" Then he goes on his way in a huff. "WOW!" is all I can say as I continue on my own way, "Everyone's a fuckin' narc these days."

A lot of people talk about how the U.S. is moving dangerously close to becoming a police state, but I think that if there are evil puppetmasters secretly designing society and its citizens to their own greedy ends that they've already engineered us into a much subtler system than that--there's a growing fear in the flabby, feeble-minded masses of people who do things "differently," which is not a problem in itself, but there is a corresponding easier readiness to lash out because of these fears due to our government's oh-so mature and even-handed proclamations and policies about foreign powers and protesters. I swear to God, people, sometimes I feel like I'm on a big ol' poorly supervised playground that's full of nothing but bullies and tattle-tales, and I can't wait to get my education over with and get out into the real world, if there is one anymore.


old goth guy? that's pretty refreshing.

it's rather disturbing how the goth culture has metamorphosized, into this dangerous weapon, yet, it is intriguing and strangely enigmatic.

i haven't been able to go on therapeutic walks without exhaust gases blowing in my face.

you write really well. offered me some gems of insight really. being a misantropist myself, i read fellow misantropists' blogs and all i get is teenage angst. i wish i could get over my own angst sometimes, and i think i'm getting there.

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