Thursday, October 13, 2005


All about Expialidocious

...or do you like "expialadocious" (with an a, not an i) better?

Either way, expialidocious (ex-pee-al-a-doe-shuss) is an adjective that can be used to describe anything or anyone who goes beyond the generally agreed upon confines of reality to mine new information from the unknown and enlarge our boundaries of perception. Expialidocious things, people, movements and memes not only push the envelope, but bust through it. Expialadocious people, movements, memes and things are in constant motion both outward and inward. Expialidocious memes, movements, things and people are driven by an intense passion for expanded modes of thought, communication, living and being. Expialidocious things, memes, people and movements keep reaching even when their arms can stretch no more. Being expialidocious means fusing the known with the unknown to make the known that much bigger.

Because being expialidocious expands your frame of reference so much that you see without obstruction that everything is connected, and that all people belong to one grand humanity with one central mission--to live out its life on this gracious planet in peace, harmony and plenty--expialidocious people often push for things like equal rights, the end of war and the redistribution of wealth. They are concerned with synergy rather than separateness, and many believe in magic.

When I was a kid, being expialidocious sometimes got you killed or made you disappear.

Martin Luther King was expialidocious, as were Malcolm X, Cesar Chavez and Mother Teresa.
The Stonewall Inn uprising was expialidocious, as were the early gay pride marches (now they're nothing but porno ads on parade). Dykes on Bikes are extremely expialidocious, and so are all gender-bending phenomena.

Julie Andrews in Disney's Mary Poppins was expialidocious (even if she was of the "supercalifragilistic-" kind).

Prophets are inherently expialidocious; the organized religions that have sprung from their teachings are most often not. (Read here about a recent meeting of world religions, which refutes this assertion.) Art is almost always expialidocious. Doing anything your own way in the face of personal or cultural barriers is the epitome of expialidociousness. Buckminster Fuller is one of my favorite expialidocious human beings.

The world is getting more and more expialidocious by the minute; walls are crumbling left and right; the rigid old regimes of the world that have been so intricately perfected in the last century are shaky on their rotting foundations of hierarchic obfuscation and systematic separation. And the expialidocious energy of the world is stepping in with impunity to cover over the holes with new ideas, connections and constructs.

The Naked Animal strives to be expialidocious in casually, yet seriously, reporting this gloriously fragmented tide as it reaches the beach, and is intent upon contributing to its momentum as much as super-humanly possible. His life has been unwaveringly expialidocious up to this point, so there's no reason for me to envision him giving up now.

Brush off the crippling dust of the last few millenia and rediscover the new human with me.

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A seismic shift in the metaverse of human understanding and awareness? Can I wait until after I have my morning cup o' joe?
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